Estate of Joseph Stanley

Estate of Joseph Stanley

For more than 200 years, residents and visitors passing in and out of New Hope, PA along Old York Road have scene a handsome high-walled mansion on the hill. Built between 1816 and 1823, Cintra was the dream of William Maris, a romantic and financially reckless entrepreneur who modeled his grand residence on a Portuguese castle of the same name.

For twenty-three years, the interior of the New Hope, PA mansion known as Cintra and storehouse of decorative arts and furnishing within it have gone unseen by all but a caretaker and the owner, Joseph Stanley. Friends and locals knew that he had closed the doors of both his antiques shop and home with the passing of his partner, Dewey Curtis, in 1986 and retreated behind Cintra’s tall shuttered windows. The inventory in his shop has remained untouched in the vast rooms and Cintra has stood much as it was when William Maris walked it halls.

On August 7 & 8 (2009), Rago will sell the substantial contents of this important local home at the Rago Arts and Auction Center, located just minutes from Cintra, at auction- all to be sold with no reserve.

Courtesy of Rago Arts, 2009

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