Loewy, Raymond Fernand – American Designer & Illustrator

Raymond Fernand Loewy (1893 to 1986)

Raymond Loewy created a vast array of designs ranging from the Studebaker to space stations, stamps and the Shell logo. During an astonishingly varied and productive life, Loewy designed airplanes, helicopters, trains, buses, cars and speedboats, along with space stations, satellites and other conceptual works for NASA. His logos for Exxon, Shell, Lucky Strike cigarettes and Carling Black Label beer are recognized around the world.

Born, raised and educated in France, Loewy moved to New York in 1919. His unique career began in the retail fashion industry and he was a fashion illustrator and window dresser, as well as a graphic and theatrical designer. His innovative re-styling of the Gestetner duplicating machine earned him respect and notoriety as an industrial designer. Loewy then proceeded to redesign the packaging and exterior of a multitude of products including the Lucky Strike cigarette pack, the SI Locomotive for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the Sears Roebuck Coldspot icebox, and various models of the Studebaker and Avanti automobiles. Among collectibles by this artist are a clay model of the Avanti and many sketches of his designs including images of various Studebaker models.

Information courtesy of Charlton Hall Galleries Inc., February 2005

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