Dial, Thornton – African-American Artist

Thornton Dial (American, 1928 to 2016)

Thornton Dial was a pioneering African-American artist who produced exuberant drawings and paintings and large scale assemblages and sculptures with oil paint and the found material he collected. The work by Dial most admired in the art world are his assemblages commenting on race and the place of African-Americans in the larger society. Dial rightfully credited Bill Arnett, founder of the Souls Run Deep Foundation, as the person [...] Click here to continue reading.

Finster, Howard – American Artist

Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001)

“The Lord spoke and he said: Give up the repair of lawn mowers; Give up the repair of bicycles; Give up sermons; Paint my pictures… And that’s what I done.” Howard Finster is among the most prolific and best-known outsider artists. He turned his house in Georgia into “Paradise Garden”, a venue to display his vision of preaching through art, with a constant display of work for sale to the [...] Click here to continue reading.

Salmones, Victor – Mexican Sculptor

Victor Salmones (Mexican, 1937-1989)

Victor Salmones, born in Mexico City, worked as a commercial artist to pay his tuition at the Instituto de Bellas Artes (Mexican National Institute of Fine Arts) where he trained in the exacting lost wax method of casting bronze. Salmones opened a workshop in Cuernavaca in 1966. In 1967 he was awarded first prize at the Biennale Exposition of the Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Mexico. He gained recognition [...] Click here to continue reading.

Estate of Margaret P. Newcombe – Provenance Brunk 5-11-2013

Margaret P. Newcombe, Owner of Pennyworth Kennels, Newington, New Hampshire

Pennyworth was one of America’s most outstanding kennels of the 20th century boasting over seven Best In Show winners. Margaret Newcombe inherited her love of breeding and show dogs from her mother, the owner of the famous Clairedale Kennels and winner of Best In Show at Westminster in 1936. Margaret Newcombe eventually came to win the revered ‘triple crown’ of dog shows in 1964 [...] Click here to continue reading.

Natzler, Gertrud & Otto – American Art Pottery – California

Gertrud and Otto Natzler – American Art Potters

Otto Natzler (Austrian/American, 1908 to 2007) and Gertrud Natzler (Austrian/American, died 1971) are well known to collectors of art pottery. They married in Vienna in 1938 and then removed to Los Angeles, California and began their work together with Gertrud as the potter and Otto as the glazer. Their work is represented in dozens of the world’s museums, including the Jewish Museum, New York, The Metropolitan [...] Click here to continue reading.

William Edmondson – American Artist

William Edmondson (American, 1882 to 1951)

The artist was born to Orange and Jane Brown Edmondson, former slaves, on a plantation in the Hillsboro Road section of Davidson County, Tennessee. He worked from childhood as a field hand, and, until 1907, when his leg was injured, he was a railroad worker for the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis Railroad. For the next twenty-five years he was employed by the Women’s Hospital (known also as [...] Click here to continue reading.

Miro, Joan – Spanish Artist

Joan Miro (Spanish, 1893-1983) Joan Miro lithograph, Signes Et Meteores, printed in colors, 1958, p4A item E8972489

Joan Miro was born in Barcelona, Spain, on April 20, 1893, the son of a watchmaker. From 1912 he studied at the Barcelona Ecole des Beaux-Arts and the Academie Gali. In the first quarter of the 20th century, Barcelona was a cosmopolitan, intellectual city with a craving for the new in art, music, and literature. But, it [...] Click here to continue reading.

Russell, Charles Marion

Charles Marion Russell (1864-1926)

Charles Russell was as famous for his personal character as he was for his artistic career. A simple and modest man, he left the Midwest to pursue a life on the frontier. While residing primarily in Montana for the remainder of his life, Russell, or “Cowboy Charlie”, went on to become the state’s favorite son and achieve great renown for his depictions of the American West.

An [...] Click here to continue reading.

The Sarcophagus in Decorative Arts

The Sarcophagus in Decorative Arts

Derived from the Greek sarx, meaning flesh, and phagein, meaning eat, a sarcophagus is, essentially, a container for a body, much like a coffin or casket. Historically, sarcophagi were typically made of stone (though sometimes of other materials, such as wood or metal), with a relief-carved or pediment top, and designed to be above ground, and have been used by many cultures since ancient times.

An ancient [...] Click here to continue reading.

Marly Horse Sculpture

The Marly Horses

“Marly Horses,” paired sculptures also sometimes known as “horse tamers,” or just “horses restrained by grooms,” have their origins in France, probably by way of ancient Rome. Since the early days of Rome, a pair of sculptures, each of a man with a horse, have been on Quirinal Hill in the city. The spirited horses and the men seeking to control them are a discourse on power that has appealed to [...] Click here to continue reading.

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